The Khedive Autos Unit was formed in 1988 by a handful of Shriners with Antique, Convertible or otherwise unique automobiles for the purpose of having fun, parading on the streets to show the public what Shriners are and to raise money for the Shriner’s children’s hospitals.
Our main money-making project is the annual “Shriners” car show on the 3rd Saturday in August.
Besides the local parades our Shrine has two major conventions and parades each year. M.A.S.A. and S.A.S.A. hold their conventions at the Virginia Beach and other resort locations along the eastern seaboard.
When a convention is held there are estimates that about 5,000 Shriners would be in town for the convention.
They bring their families as well as their instruments, horses and miniature cars, filling hotel rooms and directly impacting the city's economy to the tune of about $400,000.
The parades are the fun for both for the audiences that line the streets with their lawn chairs and the participants, who practice all year to show off their clowning, driving and musical skills.